If you turn on the news you hear crazy things like: "we're in a recession", or "now is the time for cutting back" or even "everyone should think about having a smaller simpler christmas".
To all those I say BAH HUM BUG! Christmas is about celebrating winners, making the most of your year end excess you've accumulated and doing something nice for yourself and your family. In a tight economy I have some great tips for making ends meet:
1. Stop giving to charitable organizations - from the bell ringers to the beggars, they all should have planned better. If you dont' bail them out this year they'll be better off next year! Plus you'll have more jingle in your pockets!
2. Capitalize on desparation- find the hot toys on the market and buy up as many as you possibly can. Wait until people are truly desparate and get top dollar for them! If they really want their kids to have a good christmas they'll pay through the nose and you'll be ready to take their money!
3. Keep your receipts and DEMAND that others buying you gifts attach a receipt. This will allow you to see just how much they spent on you and more importantly get a full refund! Cash is king my friends!
4. Regift regift regift! it's inexpensive, just be careful you don't regift in the same social circles.
5. Don't host parties, attend them! This save you time and expenses. Let the people hosting it pickup the check for once.
Keep a cool head and follow my advice and you'll come out of the Christmas holidays a winner!