The answer my pale skinned, homebound, freckle faced friends is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
Yes, We've decided to take another trip out to Hawaii. Our annual trip will take place 2 days after Xmas! (First we have to winterize PepperCreek ranch) It's so exciting, William has already booked his tee times and I have my spa treatments lined up! Nothing says Happy Holidays like the warm pacific sun. I must say, William's bonus check was much larger than expected this year.
So think of us while you're freezing your pa-toot's off. We'll have white sand on our toes and peenya coladas on our tongues!
I'll be sure to update the site with pictures upon our return!
Aloha to me!
peenya coladas is spelled pina retard
LOL I bet you've never even had a trip whatsoever!
Screw you and your whole pathetic family.
Stop posting that dribble
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It's people like you that give God a bad name!
William and Gail Jenkins
Life is grand, in our nearly brand..new home!
Two words for you.....Fuck You!!
yeah, nobody else on earth has ever been on vacation, you fat fucks. i bet everyone of you had to pay for 2 seats on the plane out there. holy fucking shit you disgust me. i hope you drown on vacation. please go die.
Too many snooty tourists in Hawaii, otherwise it's great.
OMG!!! I luuuuv Hawaii - its soo awesome! No siriously, it's awesome! Everyone should go there at least once in their life!
For all the other rich people reading this blog, I have some very simple advice - buy a home in Hawaii, now! Home values are plummeting, and mortgage rates are a major low (well if you can't pay in cash anyway). Actually even if you can pay in cash, you should probably take a 5% 30 year and stash the cash in a hedgie instead - that'll do 60% annually . . . but I digress . . .
I picked up a steal on the island of Molokai from some poor people who couldn't afford new clothes! I've basically been keeping my eye on the online "rapture index." When it spikes over 200, I'm heading to my house there to prepare for armageddon at it's finest!
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