Saturday, January 3, 2009

2008 The Year in Review!

The Year in Review Xmas Style! (short version)

M: “Must haves” became “Do haves”!
E: Everyone loves our new cat Ezekiel
R: Riding our horses makes me happy!
R: Rolling pastures = lots o’ land
Y: You’ll be green with envy over our Trebuchet!

C: Can’t stop making money – yay for BioFixx!
H: Hands for finger puppeting! (Bethany!)
R: Rising above our station in life
I: Interesting smells from Glen’s bedroom
S: Showing off our new addition to Peppercreek Ranch!
T: Thinking of how blessed people are to know us
M: Music makes William calmer
A: Ask me how much weight I’ve lost!
S: Squaredancing for money

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Why do poor people let themselves go?!

As I sit here in the warm pacific sun of Maui (I'm still on vacation!)it's easy to organize my thoughts for the new year. One thing that really sticks in my craw is: WHY are poor people so fat?? It makes you wonder if those photos they show from Africa are even real?!? Those people are too skinny to be poor. I suppose it's all contrived by the left wing media with a little photo-shop/Dumbledore-like magic. I've noticed an overwhelming number of PWOM's (People WithOut Money) have greasy out-of-date hair styles, a lack of fashion. Let's not sugar coat things by calling them "husky" or "pretty plus", they are FAT FAT FAT! Anywho, like we always say at Peppercreek Ranch, you gotta be thin to win! And you know we win, cause we're thin!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Recession, Schesmession

I seem to be hearing on my favorite conservative news station (FOX!) that we are in a "recession." People seem to be very concerned about their "four-oh-one-kays", whatever that is. All I know is that my darling husband William hasn't had any problems at all! Some of the stocks he bought this year only gained 80% :( but some did really good like MXC which went up something like 300% from when we got it. Is that good? I really don't see what's so hard about making money! All it takes is a little elbow grease and some "stick to it-ness". If you ask me all these gloom and doom people are just whiners. PWOMs are like that though I think (I don't really know any of those people).

Here's hoping 2009 widens our fortune and expands our footprint of success.