I seem to be hearing on my favorite conservative news station (FOX!) that we are in a "recession." People seem to be very concerned about their "four-oh-one-kays", whatever that is. All I know is that my darling husband William hasn't had any problems at all! Some of the stocks he bought this year only gained 80%
:( but some did really good like
MXC which went up something like 300% from when we got it. Is that good? I really don't see what's so hard about making money! All it takes is a little elbow grease and some "stick to it-ness". If you ask me all these gloom and doom people are just whiners. PWOMs are like that though I think (I don't really know any of those people).
Here's hoping 2009 widens our fortune and expands our footprint of success.
What a joke these people are, nobody could be this stupid and insensitive on purpose, unless they are Christians.
My favorite quote: He who eats many prunes sits on toilet for many moons.
awesome, assuming this isn't real
Ha ha. Looks like you are the loser of the family tree. I guess there always has to be one fallen rotten apple. Hmmm an apple, kind of like your apple girlish figure?!?!
Why am I not surprised that the favorite news station of rich, conservative shitbags is Fox?
The stupid bitch who wrote this entry isn't capable of making money on her own. I guarantee she would be living in an apartment in a bad neighborhood if she had not married a man who knows how to play the stock market. Or maybe not, maybe she would have received some welfare and a bailout from Mommy and Daddy.
Here's to hoping you get anally raped by a black man in 2009!
(by the way: I have correct grammar and spelling - that is the only thing you can criticize, because deep down you know you are a waste of life)
Oh shut up you other idiot commentors(except Anonymous 2). This blog is obviously FAKE. Don't you fools understand SARCASM? *sigh*
as the manager of one of the largest wealth management firms in the world, I have to say it is about time someone called it as it is.... Gail you are right on.
Hello Mr. Wealth Manager! Finally someone who understands what it's like to "roll in the dough"!
Your husband made money. What did you do? Oh you are just waiting until he has enough for you to leave him take his money and live without working a day. What a bitch
maybe if you got a job and stopped leaching on your husbands money you would know what a 401K saving is.
Who ever wrote this is an obvious idiot. I invest not only in stocks but other areas of the financial market. NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE is making 80% right now off any stocks. Secondly anyone that is stupid enough to not know what a 401K is couldn't find the stock market with a google map!
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