What a craaazy week! I spent much of last week making sure the staff had Peppercreek Ranch looking festive. I did have to let Esmerelda go :(, like William always says "Show up on time or don't show up at all!". Anyway, I did some internnet marketing on Tuesday and then the last few days I flew down to New Orleans for some "Antiqueing". Bethany and I bought so many wonderful gifts..and I confess most of them were for us ;). Anywho, so xmas is approaching fast and I really love those last minute shopping deals. There are sooooo many presents under our tree, but i don't like to pass up a deal. One good tip I have for shopping is to get yourself a "handicap sticker", if you know the right doctor he can issue you a temporary one! I tell ya ladies, it is soooo convenient parking close to the store. Tomorrow I think I'm going to go ahead and get that new car....nothing says Merry Christmas like a new car smell. Take care!
Your residence is very dramatic and it is a shame that someone would waste time and money on such a ungodly home. You obviously come from new money, for you have know idea how to spend. The resale value on your residence is probably well under market. No one would want to live in such a gaudy house. Did you say you were from jersey, I guess not since your a christian
Dear Lil Miss Jealous,
You spelled 'your' wrong, in that context it should be 'you're'.
Making obvious spelling mistakes makes you appear ignorant ;)
Keep smiling and learn to spell, it will help you out in life!
Sweetie, before you go correcting anybody else's post, you ought to go look at your Blogger posting, and the word "Internnet" you misspelled.
You are the scum of the Earth if you are illegally obtaining a handi-cap parking pass. People like you make the world a worse place you self-centered leach.
Hmmmm sounds like someone has a case of the "woe is me". It's a great idea, just open your mind a bit!
Are you trying to say that lying to a doctor or going to a corrupt doctor is a good idea? Do you call yourself a christian? You need to put down the illegally acquired Prescription meds and get out of your plastic bubble.
Actually, YOU'RE incorrect. When anonymous referred to YOUR residence, it was used in a possessive manner. They meant the dramatic residence belongs to YOU. YOU'RE is a contraction for YOU ARE. YOUR is possessive.
Hmmm,are you angry because you come from a broken home?
ya'll are a bunch of faggots
Lets see, for originality...0! for creativity...0. Number of times you've seen your real parents....0! LOL
Hmmm... Seems to me that YOUR home is the broken one because YOU'RE the idiot that lives in it!!
I wonder does a "broken home" account for what is going on in this country presently. I kinda doubt it. These people are phonies of the worst kind. This blog isn't even real, nobody could be this crass. And people who are wealthy do not broadcast it.
Dear PWOM,
Did you buy up a bunch of fatty clothes on Friday? Are you celebrating the new year at the laundromat?
i love this blog..people sould spend as much time making money as they do whine..wah! I love money very much as well...and will continue to shop and buy anything iwant, and live life! you guys rock:)
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