Friday, December 26, 2008

The day for cheapos ;-)

Well, I'm sure you know that today (the day after baby Jesus's birthday) is a biiiig day for poor people everywhere. As a person of means, I don't see the point of running around the stores with all those PWOMs (People WithOut Money) frantically trying to buy old wrapping paper, returned XXXL fatty clothes, and tacky christmas tree ornaments! Why not just buy the good stuff without all the silly whining about how much it costs! Don't they have access to the interweb? I see those frantic people looking for "deals" and I just cover my mouth and giggle! He he! Where does all that cheapo cost cutting get you anyway? You don't see rich people doing it, so it must not matter that much, otherwise all the PWOMs would be rich too!

Here's hoping you're not one of those PWOMs embarrasing themselves today!


Anonymous said...

Southerners are fucking morons and sex offenders. Get over yourselves, you're wasting your lives being assholes who contribute nothing to greater society.

The Jenkins said...

LOL you're probably one of the fattys out looking for cheapo XXXXL clothes!

Anonymous said...

Do you know that someone has posted a link to your blog on craigslist?

You have a right to your opinion.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I saw it on Craigslist and just had to see for myself.

Just because you have money right now, does NOT mean you will always have it, and I now know at least one thing about "people with means"

Can you go buy some CLASS with that money your talking about??

I didn't think so.

Your a moron, and your dog is WAY cuter than you.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with SAVING money.

So, just because you HAVE money means you should only buy things full price? Clearanced items aren't good enough for you?

LOL, you'll blow through that wad pretty quick.....

Usually, saving money, and pinching pennies is how the rich STAY rich.

Your either full of shit, or just plain dumb.

Either way you go you still lose

oh yeah and i saw this on CL everyone know how stupid you are LOL

Anonymous said...

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue,
I'll fuck you with a rake!

Anonymous said...

Roses are red
Violets are blue
This is a dumb blog

Anonymous said...

PWOM, ooookay. How 'bout PWNB? Can you insensitive fools figure out what those acronyms stand for?

Anonymous said...

PWAS, People who are stupid.

Anonymous said...

Folks who are hard-working money making citizens do not brag about their wealth. It's the last thing they do, as it attracts the leeches of the universe who want to take it away from them. This blog isn't even real.

The Jenkins said...

Hmmm - does PWNB mean "People With New BMWs"? Cause that's me! Thanks - that's a great acro-nym

Anonymous said...

First off, I love this blog! It's so refreshing to see someone unafraid to provide such an unpopular perspective to all the 'tards out there.

That being said, I also have a minor bone to pick with PWOM . . . it's awkward to remember and just doesn't flow. Might I suggest POOR (people outside of richness) or something along those lines to make it easier for me to remember which 98% of society you're referring to! Thanks again, toodles!

Anonymous said...

quote "Anywho, so xmas is approaching fast and I really love those last minute shopping deals." what a hypocrite.