Thursday, August 20, 2009

I love carrying an umbrella!

Well, it's starting to get into the rainy season here at Pepper Creek Ranch, and the thing I like most about rain is UMBRELLAS!

I love carrying an umbrella because it makes me look smart and sophisticated...and more importantly reminds those don't don't have one how unprepared and slow minded they are.

So next time you leave the house, bring an'll impress people and and impress upon them your social status!

BTW: ever notice how the lower classes and portly people never have one ;)


Anonymous said...

Us Po' people can always go to the local thrift store and pick one up for almost nothin'. As a matter of fact, we prefer to do that. It's always wonderful to get something nice, for so cheap, that one of you phonies discarded at your local Goodwill. It feels so good to buy something so cheaply, secondhand, that a dumbass rich asshole paid way too much money to own. So you just keep on throwin' out ur stuff and we'll keepon gettin' in. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

You like to use other peoples old things? Disgusting! I would rather get wet than use someone's old filthy umbrella. Luckily that isn't a problem because I always have one at the ready in my Porsche.

Anonymous said...

Yah idiot! You'd be pleasantly surprised what one can find at a second hand store.
And nobody believes that you own a Porsche.

Anonymous said...

I would never ever go into a second hand store to purchase anything and I actually do own a Porsche. Luckily you believing it on not has no effect on it being in my garage or not.

The Jenkins said...

We're wealthy, we have lots of umbrellas! In fact, in certain countries that is a sign of nobility.

ivorybow said...

I'm gonna have to go out and get me one now...gotta look cool like that!