Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Why do poor people let themselves go?!

As I sit here in the warm pacific sun of Maui (I'm still on vacation!)it's easy to organize my thoughts for the new year. One thing that really sticks in my craw is: WHY are poor people so fat?? It makes you wonder if those photos they show from Africa are even real?!? Those people are too skinny to be poor. I suppose it's all contrived by the left wing media with a little photo-shop/Dumbledore-like magic. I've noticed an overwhelming number of PWOM's (People WithOut Money) have greasy out-of-date hair styles, a lack of fashion. Let's not sugar coat things by calling them "husky" or "pretty plus", they are FAT FAT FAT! Anywho, like we always say at Peppercreek Ranch, you gotta be thin to win! And you know we win, cause we're thin!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Recession, Schesmession

I seem to be hearing on my favorite conservative news station (FOX!) that we are in a "recession." People seem to be very concerned about their "four-oh-one-kays", whatever that is. All I know is that my darling husband William hasn't had any problems at all! Some of the stocks he bought this year only gained 80% :( but some did really good like MXC which went up something like 300% from when we got it. Is that good? I really don't see what's so hard about making money! All it takes is a little elbow grease and some "stick to it-ness". If you ask me all these gloom and doom people are just whiners. PWOMs are like that though I think (I don't really know any of those people).

Here's hoping 2009 widens our fortune and expands our footprint of success.

Friday, December 26, 2008

The day for cheapos ;-)

Well, I'm sure you know that today (the day after baby Jesus's birthday) is a biiiig day for poor people everywhere. As a person of means, I don't see the point of running around the stores with all those PWOMs (People WithOut Money) frantically trying to buy old wrapping paper, returned XXXL fatty clothes, and tacky christmas tree ornaments! Why not just buy the good stuff without all the silly whining about how much it costs! Don't they have access to the interweb? I see those frantic people looking for "deals" and I just cover my mouth and giggle! He he! Where does all that cheapo cost cutting get you anyway? You don't see rich people doing it, so it must not matter that much, otherwise all the PWOMs would be rich too!

Here's hoping you're not one of those PWOMs embarrasing themselves today!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Isn't Wal-Mart Wonderful?

Dear Friends, isn't it comforting to know that when you need something that a retailer will really go the extra mile and be there for you! 2 years ago William and I worked for a local citizen action group to get a new supercenter (#3 in our town) built. We worked tirelessly to rid our fair city of those atrocious little independent stores that are high priced and don't offer the convenient shopping hours. I must admit, there was a certain joy watching these "little barons of greed" go out of business one by one. So today I can stand proud and do my last minute shopping at the Walmart Supercenter! You know what's funny and really justifies what we tried to convey...people don't get trampled at little stores..only Walmart because Walmart has what the people much so that they'll run over the slow people! LOL

Sunday, December 21, 2008

What's wrong with Hawaii?

The answer my pale skinned, homebound, freckle faced friends is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Yes, We've decided to take another trip out to Hawaii. Our annual trip will take place 2 days after Xmas! (First we have to winterize PepperCreek ranch) It's so exciting, William has already booked his tee times and I have my spa treatments lined up! Nothing says Happy Holidays like the warm pacific sun. I must say, William's bonus check was much larger than expected this year.

So think of us while you're freezing your pa-toot's off. We'll have white sand on our toes and peenya coladas on our tongues!

I'll be sure to update the site with pictures upon our return!

Aloha to me!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Shopping makes me super happy!

What a craaazy week! I spent much of last week making sure the staff had Peppercreek Ranch looking festive. I did have to let Esmerelda go :(, like William always says "Show up on time or don't show up at all!". Anyway, I did some internnet marketing on Tuesday and then the last few days I flew down to New Orleans for some "Antiqueing". Bethany and I bought so many wonderful gifts..and I confess most of them were for us ;). Anywho, so xmas is approaching fast and I really love those last minute shopping deals. There are sooooo many presents under our tree, but i don't like to pass up a deal. One good tip I have for shopping is to get yourself a "handicap sticker", if you know the right doctor he can issue you a temporary one! I tell ya ladies, it is soooo convenient parking close to the store. Tomorrow I think I'm going to go ahead and get that new car....nothing says Merry Christmas like a new car smell. Take care!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Why are people so hateful?

I started this blog to share my experiences and success to help others out. Yes, I believe Christmas is for winners not whiners...yes I love my new home and happy family. Does that make me a bad person? Absolutely not! For all those angry evil people, stop posting insults on my blog!

You know you're just jealous of us!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Making money in a tight economy

If you turn on the news you hear crazy things like: "we're in a recession", or "now is the time for cutting back" or even "everyone should think about having a smaller simpler christmas".

To all those I say BAH HUM BUG! Christmas is about celebrating winners, making the most of your year end excess you've accumulated and doing something nice for yourself and your family. In a tight economy I have some great tips for making ends meet:

1. Stop giving to charitable organizations - from the bell ringers to the beggars, they all should have planned better. If you dont' bail them out this year they'll be better off next year! Plus you'll have more jingle in your pockets!
2. Capitalize on desparation- find the hot toys on the market and buy up as many as you possibly can. Wait until people are truly desparate and get top dollar for them! If they really want their kids to have a good christmas they'll pay through the nose and you'll be ready to take their money!
3. Keep your receipts and DEMAND that others buying you gifts attach a receipt. This will allow you to see just how much they spent on you and more importantly get a full refund! Cash is king my friends!
4. Regift regift regift! it's inexpensive, just be careful you don't regift in the same social circles.
5. Don't host parties, attend them! This save you time and expenses. Let the people hosting it pickup the check for once.

Keep a cool head and follow my advice and you'll come out of the Christmas holidays a winner!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Be careful what toys you buy for your kids!

It's Christmas time and everyone is searching for that perfect gift. As a rule, weapons are usually not a great choice. Being a parent of 4 wonderful, well adapted, grown children I'd like to add my 2 cents on this.

Weapons (if chosen correctly) allow the child to develop gross motor skills. They also stimulate "creative play" and build a sense of "control" and "order" to the child's skill set.

So as you're doing some last minute shopping (mine is already done..I got a new car!) try finding some good ol'fashioned weapons!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Are your Internet marketing skills up to snuff?

Recently I've starting doing some non-profit work with small business owners. I consider myself to be an internet marketing expert, and decided it would be shame if I didn't pass along my knowledge and help others! It's really a combination of my photography skills AND email proficiency.

Here are a few tips that can make your marketing much more successful:
1. Make sure the ad is free of speling and gramatical mistakes. This makes you appear ignorant.
2. The picture should be crisp and clean, not dingy and dirty like you're a piggy!
3. Use fanciful language, it adds a touch of whimsy and will draw in your prospect.
4. Try and review proper email etiquette when responding
5. Don't post a sale that is pending, it's either sold or it's not. remember, ABC...Always Be Closing!

I hope these tips will help you along the way. There are a few other "so called" experts out there, be mindful and careful who you trust with your business!

Friday, December 5, 2008

My new hobby...Pet Photography! purrrty neat!

Greetings everyone. While we continue to search for Senor Loco, Kelli suggested that I take some more pictures of "people and their pets". I just signed up for a photography class at the local rec center ! I find this work fascinating and will post some of my favs this one of Glen, Terri and Snickerdoodle the cat!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Has anyone seen Senor Loco?

I'm sure all of you have heard that Senor Loco (my niece Kelli's dog) is missing. For the last several weeks we've been assisting in the search and despite all our efforts to find him...he is nowhere to be found! :(

This is the most recent photo we have of him, if any of you may have seen him please let Kelli or myself know ASAP!!