As I sit here in the warm pacific sun of Maui (I'm still on vacation!)it's easy to organize my thoughts for the new year. One thing that really sticks in my craw is: WHY are poor people so fat?? It makes you wonder if those photos they show from Africa are even real?!? Those people are too skinny to be poor. I suppose it's all contrived by the left wing media with a little photo-shop/Dumbledore-like magic. I've noticed an overwhelming number of PWOM's (People WithOut Money) have greasy out-of-date hair styles, a lack of fashion. Let's not sugar coat things by calling them "husky" or "pretty plus", they are FAT FAT FAT! Anywho, like we always say at Peppercreek Ranch, you gotta be thin to win! And you know we win, cause we're thin!
More condescending drivel?
Dear Dr. Lonely,
Perhaps if you were a HAVE and not a "have not" you wouldn't be posting on my blog. How cold is it in your cardboard box tonight?
keep your chin up, a new year is coming!
I agree, poor people are fat!
Poor people are fat because junk food is cheap. Why be so judgemental? I am sure we could look at you and see something wrong with you other then the fact you are shallow.
Let's see McD's DOLLAR menu. Fatty foods are cheaper. Some people just don't give a damn. Even though they may be fat they still are people. And you know what else it has to do with Stress to. You have something pop up in your life and you wanna eat a piece of chocolate overload cake. I sure don't crave edemame and friggen brussel sprouts with some vegan dressing when I have a crappy day. So while you are sucking down your venti-no sugar soy latte at Starbucks I will enjoy the Venti Carmel Frappiccino and go for a longer bike ride. Trust me mine tasted better then the soybean crap you drank.
AwwwW another picture of your niece Kelli. Did she ever find her son?
I am a FATT PWOM and reading your blog has been such a lark. I haven't had this much fun since I was skinny. Many ripples of my tummy fat shook as I laffed and laffed. Then my asthma started kicking in and I couldn't breathe so I had to stop myself. Whew!
I get those yearly letters from my rich relatives up north and they make me cry, which only makes me eat more chocolate cheesecake (the kind with the mini chocolate chips on top).
So mami, I was wondering if you could give me any advice on shedding some poundage. Thanks.
whoops I'm sorry obviously I don't know how to do this blog commenty thing as I am not experienced on this cybernet.
The boxes show up in yellow and my eyes are bad (I wish I could afford Lasix but they say that would only help with far vision and not reading stuff on the computer in yellow or green) and I can't see what to click so I thought I had lost my comment and it was rotating out there in internetland forever so I tried to backpage and it wasn't there and i tried to write it again and remember what I had written so there are 2 similar comments both from me.
I am all upset and nervous now and I have to go nebulize myself.
My deah Ms Jenkins
Heah in dah Souff we call those people "Po" as in Edgar Allen.
Unfortunately, there are alot of them. They so need to be taken care of, if you know what ah mean - wink poke wink.
And their little dogs too !
Yet, flying monkeys are expensive this season. Do you have a supplier?
Love you! Kiss kiss hug hug
OK it's me again =+} the asthmatic high cholesterol PWOM. The comment I re-wrote didn't post as I thought it did cuz it was highlighted in guess what? YELLOW! so I am even more confused with computers than I was before.
This is really elevating my blood pressure! I have to go eat my cinnamon french toast with butter, syrup, and cinnamon sugar breakfast so I can take my meds.
I just wanted to apologize for messing up so much. Hah! The story of the life of a PWOM!
Do you know any therapists I could go to for cheap? Thanks.
I've met some incredibly fat humans with many many assets & cash before. Whether or not this was from a self-made fortune or from an inheritance is not known. However, I think that you are a total fucking idiot to make an assumption about someone's girth being directly related to their wealth. I'm 6'0 & 185 lbs., but have yet to find my big money ticket. I guess maybe I should just make sure not to eat well so I can get rich!
Wow, you're an idiot. Most rich people are fat. Look at Trump for God's sake. CELEBRITIES are not fat (well, most of them are not.) But I know lots of fat rich people, and your post is moronic. Yours truly, 5'7 105 lb poor college girl
OMG! Now that I just saw a picture of you, you're fucking fat! Ewww gross. Fatty mcfatter pants! Go eat at McDonald's with the rest of your kind. SCUM!!!!
McDonald's is a wonderful company to own stock in (I know, we have lots of it). Personally I've never been there but I have heard when times get rough that fat, poor depressed people eat there.. and thats great news for yours truly!
any big plans in 2009?
haha! you eh.. never seen paintings of King Henry the 8th have ya?
fat AND rich. god.. you really ARE that stereotypical? a comment like that only reflects a lack of education, so.. does this mean I can say rish people are stupid?
but.. dude.. you got alot of balls askin why poor people are fat, dude... you look like Elvis in the 70's on hiatus. and yer wife?
well shes a little roomie, a bit rollie - polie, but Id do er! :D
You spelled "rish" wrong, it should be rich (which is what we are).
Fat, poor, AND stupid are no way to go through life.
Cheer up, the local library is free!
what a bunch of window lickers at pepper creek.and i just bet your all jewish.jewish people suck.you people are a disgrace to the human race.may your 2009 be anything but successful.i think i speak for everyone when i say...you people are idiots who have no life,you have to buy your friends when in fact no one likes you people...he who dies with the most toys still dies.
Homeless people are usually thin. And as several have pointed out on this blog, fat people are also wealthy. So your theory is nothing but a fallacy. And you're not very interesting either.
What about fat people that are rich?
You misused a comma in your last comment. Here, you used the comma to separate two complete sentences. "You spelled 'rish' wrong" is a complete thought, as is "it should be rich (which is what we are)." These two, independent thoughts can stand on their own (yes, their - not they're or there). Therefore, you should have - not to be confused with should of - used a semicolon.
All the money in the world still makes you ignorant, but it's (a contraction of it and is) okay. I'll (a contraction of I and will) help you out.
YOUR friendly grammarian
P.S. Maybe YOU should cheer up; the local library IS free!
Wow...she looks like she just ate a full pallet of fresh grown sod...
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