The last few months I've really focused on my craigslist ministry, helping the lost and poor improve their salesmanship skills! Based on some of the feedback I'm really changing lives.
If I've helped you and you've benefited, I would appreciate sending a few dollars to me to compensate for my valuable time....and then tell your friends about my great advice!
Here are a few tidbits I've passed along so far:
* To the lady selling the white fabric couch, I recommend taking a picture that doesn't show the pee stain. If necessary, flip the cushion over so it's "hidden". Buyer beware I always say!
* To the person shopping for used kids clothes on the internet...one word "YUCK". If you can't pay full price for clothes then you probably shouldn't be shopping.
* To the person selling kids toys for under $10..have some pride in yourself! write a witty description and multiply your price by 5! you'll be seeing green quick!
Keep up the good work folks, I look forward to all your 'thank you's'
Do you really sell "pee stained" sofas on the internet and just flip over the cushion? How would you feel if you bought a couch with urine on it and didn't find out until you got it home?
I never asked for your help or what any. Ohg BTW my kids only wear designer grubs lol. Ive seen your kids they look like white trash kids that someone left outside the trailer park lol. I would send a pic of how good my kids look one is a model for toys r us. She was in several magazines. But you and hubby could be on the "old bag that humps her dogs with fat husband who jerks off " magazine lol. Im from NY and sez it like I seez it lol. You attack me and my family I will not hold back lady you have no idea who you are messing with. All those other people are chumps on your blog. I know lots of people and not nice ones at that.
I think you need to know what poverty means its all about you it screams Gail. Your kids will be in rehab even thoough they looked like they already have been doing some sort of drugs. I am a middle class person struggling right now and dont need to hear what you think nor do I care. I only care about my family and the love I have for them. I know your lonely just go and pick on that fat fuck you have at home. Or even those kids that looked like they havent brushed there hair in weeks.Listen I have some advice for you. Use some of that money to get a face lift maybe just take the whole face off thats better. Have hubby get a couple of thousand of tummy tucks. And please give those kids a bath and send them to rehab.
Your response speaks to your limited 2nd grade..."edumacashun".
Hopefully Daddy gets you a new pair of shoes and stops hitting you with the garden hose.
PS: I'm sending you a free copy of my "Winning Internet Sales" ebook. I think you're really be able to dig your teeth into it. Just in case you might want to have a 4th grade level reader standing by to answer any questions!
Good Selling Allison!
LOL you like how I spelled it wrong LOL done on purpose. I knew a loser like you would right away pick up on it. NO THANKS! I don't want your book. All it will say is how to trash talk people and i'm too good for that and for you. Like I said you are beneath me as a human being. Your are nothing but a filthy hillbilly white piece of trash. Your kids look like hobo's and your husband is an ugly fat fuck. And your a piece of shit and that's the truth. No one in the there right mind would read it that's why you have to give it away to people for free. I know what you are about and your not worth 2 cents in my book. Actually you are not even worth me taking anytime to even write you anything. You don't even deserve air to breath. But you will get what's coming to you trust me on that. It always does to people like you. You are so lonely hubby must be doing the help or maybe some little boy. Because you are all and sick and twisted individuals and have no play in any society. Rot in hell you old bag and get a life.
These Jenkins people are fakes. Because there is no way in hell that someone that stupid and insensitive would even know how to start a blog.
I'm assuming by using the word "fake" you're referring to the french work "Faque" which means wealthy and wise!
In that case we are Faque!
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