Saturday, January 24, 2009

Good riddance - evictions are easy when you're overseas

It's early here in Peru, I've just ordered room service and was checking emal when I got the good news that we finally were able to evict Mamsy and Gramps. For years we've tolerated this couple who own (or should i say "used" to own) a small farm next to the southern border of Pepper Creek. I had worked diligently behind the scenes to pay off the back taxes on their ramshackle farm. Friday the sherrif (after a little coaxing) evicted these two and we were able to add another 2 acres to Pepper Creek. I'm not sure where they'll end up, but suffice it to say they still hadn't taken down their plastic xmas yard art. Good riddance Mamsy and Gramps, depart from us we never knew yee!


Anonymous said...

These were 2 very sweet people you did this to. The way you went about this whole thing has been despicable. This isn't over Gail!

Anonymous said...

What if they sue you Gail? What in the hell will you do then?

Anonymous said...

They look like they deserved it. Good work Gail!

Anonymous said...

"Mamsy, Darling... - Ummmm...When you're done with them Lawrence Welk re-runs, I'm gonna need a wet wipe. Breakfast just landed in my Dockers..."

Anonymous said...

Old people are SO DUMB!!

Anonymous said...

I hate FOPs (fucking old people)

Bill Arbuckles said...

I don't think old people should even qualify as US citizens. They smell and they cost money. When people turn 75 we should ship them out to see.